Freebie of the week - Sparrowboard1450 PIC18 Development Board. | NUMATO.CC
Autorino Autopilot on Hydrofoil Boat V1 || Dechsendorfer Weiher - YouTube
RC hydrofoil - YouTube
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DIY RC Receiver (Serial PPM) - AI Matt
Files - Razor AHRS - Q&U Lab Project Hosting
Controlling a motor using a wifi connection and a gamepad
Hydrofoil basics & craft configuration - Boat Design Forums
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Selbstgebautes Tragflügelboot / Hydrofoil RC Modellboot - YouTube
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BEST OF RC hydrofoil trimaran - YouTube
Hysucat Elan 850 trial run 23 Nov 2011 - YouTube
Arduino Playground - ReadReceiver
DIY RC Receiver (Serial PPM) - AI Matt
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? Hysucat 830 elan water flow.MP4 - YouTube
SF9DOF_AHRS_1_1.zip - sf9domahrs - Razor 9DOF IMU AHRS V1.1 Lite version for AT328/AT168 - AHRS for Sparkfuns "9DOF Razor IMU" - Google Project Hosting
9 Degrees of Freedom - Razor IMU - AHRS compatible - SparkFun Electronics
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9 Degrees of Freedom - Razor IMU - AHRS compatible - SparkFun Electronics
Changes - sf9domahrs - AHRS for Sparkfuns "9DOF Razor IMU" - Google Project Hosting
itg-3200driver - Arduino driver for the ITG-3200 3 axis MEMS gyroscope by InvenSense - Google Project Hosting
Sparkfun IMU Razor 9DOF AHRS code - YouTube
Changes - sf9domahrs - AHRS for Sparkfuns "9DOF Razor IMU" - Google Project Hosting
Tracking System using 9dof Razor IMU and Servo - Arduino Forum
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Arduino 9DOF ArduIMU Controller ATmega328 (ACCEL/MAG/GYRO)
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